Ethical Sponsorship

It is important for us to ensure that our sponsor organisations reflect our values and our commitment to changing the profession for the better. To this end, we are extremely proud to have introduced an Ethical Sponsorship policy in 2020.

The Melbourne University Law Students’ Society’s role is to enrich student life at Melbourne Law School. We provide events and initiatives that are in the best interests of students and also advocate on students’ behalf on key issues. We take our role as student leaders very seriously, and cherish the opportunity we are given to drive change within the profession and work to enhance the experiences of students entering the field.

Our policy will focus on three key issues: inclusion and diversity, sexual harassment in the legal profession, and mental health and wellbeing. These are issues that students want to hear about and are live issues in the legal profession. We encouraged our sponsors to submit a short statement, addressing the organisation’s official stance regarding these three issues as well as details of any specific initiatives.


Our 2024 Commitment

In accordance with our Ethical Sponsorship policy and in recognition of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the MULSS has donated $5000, a portion of our 2024 Sponsorship Revenue to various charities delivering critical and lifesaving aid. 

The situation in Gaza has been described as ‘catastrophic’. The health system has collapsed, and only eleven out of thirty-five hospitals in the strip remain partially functional due to attacks on medical infrastructure and a lack of basic supplies. The World Health Organisation has warned of disease spread in addition to mounting civilian casualties. 

We have selected organizations that have an active presence in the Gaza Strip to offer immediate humanitarian aid. These charities prioritize transparency and public accountability regarding the use of funds. Our donations have been split equally among Doctors Without Borders, Islamic Relief Australia, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

MULSS 2023 Ethical Sponsorship Statements

  • Mental health and wellbeing

    Allens is making the health and energy of our people a front-of-mind, shared priority. We know wellbeing is a combination of mental, physical, emotional and social health factors, and our approach to wellbeing reflects this.

    Our wellbeing framework has four key areas:

    • Mind: developing healthy minds, encompassing mental health and resilience

    • Body: recognising the importance of physical health and fitness

    • Culture: appreciating the role of leadership and the impact of our work environment on wellbeing

    • Connection: acknowledging the necessity of purpose and relationships that sustain and support us.

    We work to promote wellbeing through a range of initiatives, including hybrid and flexible working approaches, regular firm-wide wellbeing sessions with our in-house Consulting Psychologist, a focus on work allocation and capacity management, local wellness campaigns such as fitness challenges and offering access to a range of benefits such as gym memberships, flu vaccines, skin checks, healthy catering, financial and nutritional coaching, and childcare and eldercare resources. Our external Employee Assistance Program also supports our people to maintain their wellbeing, providing access to wellbeing coaching and confidential psychologist counselling for any work or personal reason. Our in-house Consulting Psychologist also helps us create the right conditions, conversations and actions for ongoing mental health and wellbeing. In addition, each lawyer is assigned a Performance Coach who supports their wellbeing and assists with workload management. Other employees are supported by their managers.

    Our focus on mental health and wellbeing was recognised at the 2021 Australasian Law Awards with the Excellence in Employee Health & Wellbeing award.

    Respect and Fairness at Allens

    We want everyone who works at Allens to have a fulfilling experience, characterised by respect, fairness and equal opportunity.

    Our Respect and Fairness policy sets out our commitments and expectations for how we work together, and with our clients and stakeholders. Providing a safe and supportive workplace is critical. We value the diversity of our workforce, respect the differences between individuals, and recognise that each person has individual talents and skills to bring to their role.

    We've developed and rolled out workshops for our people on creating and maintaining a culture of respect, and will be developing an interactive e-learning module to reinforce and build on these concepts. All employees must also complete online training regarding anti-discrimination, bullying and harassment when they commence and undertake refreshers during their employment.

    We are a firm that listens, learns and strives to improve. When we become aware of misconduct, it is investigated swiftly and we work to ensure any action taken is appropriate and takes into account the wellbeing and wishes of the aggrieved person. We encourage our people to speak up if they experience or witness this behaviour. We have multiple escalation channels for anyone to raise a workplace concern, including via our externally-hosted platform 'Elker', which our people can use to share what’s on their mind, and get support, advice or action in a simple, confidential way. Our Employee Assistance Program can also help with strategies and advice on how to raise an issue.

    Inclusion and diversity

    Allens sees enormous strength in the unique backgrounds and life experiences our people bring to the firm. Harnessing the many talents of our people helps us connect with clients, solve complex problems, innovate and attract more great people.

    Allens' people may have many different stories, and we stand side-by-side in delivering exceptional outcomes for our clients and communities.

    Allens' inclusion and diversity strategy focuses on driving inclusive behaviour, transforming practices and structures, and building 'hearts and minds' commitment across a range of pillars, including gender, parents and carers, LGBTIQA+, First Nations, cultural and social diversity. We're looking to build on inclusion as a strength, and actively support our talented people throughout their careers to ensure they are able to be their best selves and do their best work.

    Our inclusion and diversity strategy is supported by the work of our employee network groups, which actively foster gender, LGBTIQA+, cultural and linguistic, and First Nations inclusion, as well as our executive and board.

    We monitor progress through a number of ways, including:

    • Our 40:40:20 gender representation target, ie 40% women, 40% men and 20% any gender (women, men or non-binary persons). We are on track to achieve at least 40% women in the partnership by 2025.

    • Our First Nations Engagement Plan, building on the work of five previous Reconciliation Action Pans.

    Our approach to inclusion and diversity has been recognised in a number of ways, including:

    • We have held the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency for 19 consecutive years.

    • We achieved Bronze employer status for LGBTQ inclusion through the Australian Workplace Equality Index by Pride in Diversity in 2023.

    • We were shortlisted for the 2023 Australasian Law Awards for Diversity Initiative of the Year.

    First Nations Engagement Plan

    Allens has had a longstanding commitment to reconciliation, and this is something we continue to build upon. Following 10 years as a RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) organisation, during which time we designed and delivered five RAPs, in early 2023 we launched our new Allens-specific First Nations Engagement Plan, which will guide our work in reconciliation over the four years to end of 2026.

    Our plan is based on three key ‘pathways’: justice, economic engagement and understanding. The first two pathways were designed following consultation with a range of stakeholders, where it became clear these are the key areas where we as a law firm can make the most meaningful contribution to reconciliation. In order for us to succeed in delivering our commitments under those pathways, the final pathway of understanding was included, to ensure we continue to build the cultural capacity of our people and the cultural safety of our firm.

    Under each pathway we focus on a number of actions, such as:

    • Justice: pro bono legal work; building legal capacity in other organisations; being a strong advocate and leader on discussions around key issues in community, such as last year's referendum on a Voice to Parliament. The firm has been involved in the broader discussion around constitutional recognition for many years, including making submissions to various government committees, and supporting our pro bono clients to do the same;

    • Economic engagement: a range of programs to support career pathways, such as our First Nations Legal and Corporate Services Internship programs, which provide a 3-8 week opportunity to learn about life in commercial law; and building our supplier diversity through including First Nations-owned businesses in our procurement decisions; and

    • Understanding: building the cultural capacity of our staff and community – this is the key task of the Reconciliation committees in each office, who organise events and activities that allow staff to engage in reconciliation issues and build their cultural awareness. This includes encouraging our people to make an acknowledgement of Country at meetings and events they are hosting. There are Reconciliation Committees in each office, made up of partners and staff.

    Other community engagement programs

    Pro bono

    Allens aims to have a focused, well balanced and meaningful pro bono practice, mainly focusing on access to justice, human rights, reconciliation and protecting the natural environment. Through the practice, we have a target of 50 hours of pro bono work per lawyer each year, on average.

    In 2023, as part of our long term commitment to asylum seeker rights, we ran the landmark NZYQ case, which abolished indefinite detention in Australia. We also continued our First Nations justice work through collaborations with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and with PIAC. Details of some key matters we have worked on in recent years can be found on the Impact page on our website.

    Sustainability and responsible sourcing

    Allens strives for leadership on environmental sustainability in our sector. We take action to reduce the material impacts of our operations and to identify opportunities to drive positive environmental change.

    Our responsible sourcing program is designed to promote procurement practices that are ethical, and environmentally and socially responsible. As a purchaser of products and services, we also look for opportunities within our supply chain to support positive social and environmental outcomes through our procurement spend.

    Our commitments to environment and climate action include:

    • We take action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in line with an ambitious and independently assessed science-based target, to reduce firm-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent by FY2030 from a FY2019 base year.

    • As we work towards our emissions reduction target, we aim to continue our certification for our Australian offices through the Australian Government's Climate Active Program. We first achieved certification in December 2014, and we seek recertification annually.

    • We buy and surrender carbon offsets as an additional contribution to climate action. We seek to invest in accredited offset projects, including Indigenous carbon farming projects, that deliver emissions abatement and/or sequestration alongside other environmental and social benefits.

    Adherence to LIV clerkship and traineeship guidelines

    In 2024, we are once again signatories to the LIV guidelines for clerkship and traineeship (graduate) roles and will be strictly adhering to the guidelines. We are mindful of the candidate experience and pride ourselves on keeping our candidates informed at each step of the recruitment process, as well as providing transparency throughout the process and on offer day.

    We recognise that recruitment processes can be particularly challenging for some groups including trans and gender diverse applicants, First Nations people, neurodiverse people and people living with disability. We encourage candidates to reach out to if they have any questions or require adjustments during our process: their wellbeing and experience - particularly during this process - is vital.

  • Arnold Bloch Leibler is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our people.

    Seasonal Clerkship and Law Graduate recruitment

    We are a proud signatory to the LIV Clerkship & Traineeship guidelines and follow the guidelines throughout the seasonal clerkship and law graduate recruitment processes to ensure a fair and equitable process for students.

    Our recruitment process is uncomplicated. We ask students to submit their CV, cover letter and their academic transcript via cvMail, with no additional questions, case studies, aptitude testing or psychometric assessments. Our interview process is also very straightforward, with a single interview. This is then followed by a coffee with a law graduate or junior lawyer for an informal discussion/opportunity to ask further questions about the firm. Prior to their interview, we email candidates with some additional tips and information to help them prepare.

    Mental health & well-being

    Arnold Bloch Leibler has a range of practices and procedures in place to prevent negative behaviour and we are committed to fostering a workplace that is inclusive, open and solutions-focused. For example, we offer a confidential EAP program, regular health & well-being initiatives focused on prevention, resilience and mental first aid training, mindfulness sessions, a mentoring program, participation in events like R U OK Day, and have a cultural focus on both flexibility and mental health awareness. A critical component of our mental health and wellbeing program involves our partners speaking openly about the topic. They share their approach to managing professional life and its challenges and the ways in which they focus on staying mentally and physically fit. We offer our people a significant amount of support from our skilled human resources professionals so that should an individual have a condition or if challenges arise for them, our high touch approach ensures close monitoring and full support. We also run dedicated leadership training focused on the emotional intelligence skills required to support open conversations and healthy work habits.

    Avoiding sexual harassment Arnold Bloch Leibler is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from harassment and inappropriate conduct. The firm does not tolerate sexual harassment of any kind in the workplace and is committed to taking a victim-centric approach to complaints should they ever happen to arise.

    Arnold Bloch Leibler is committed to:

    • creating a working environment where all people are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect;

    • ensuring people know their rights and responsibilities;

    • providing an effective procedure for complaints;

    • treating complaints in a sensitive, timely and confidential manner; and

    • protecting against victimisation or reprisals.

    Our primary focus is on prevention. We hold regular training sessions so that every member of the firm is aware of expected standards of behaviour and the avenues of support available to them should they ever encounter behaviour that is incongruent with our behavioural standards and expectations.

    Diversity and inclusion Our approach and longstanding deep commitment to diversity and inclusion has been, and will always be, a clear and significant aspect of the firm’s culture and a key contributor to our enduring success. We never want to become complacent about this quality, which sets us apart from firms that promote diversity and inclusion as a passing trend.

    Broadly, we have identified three key priority areas in relation to diversity and inclusion activity at ABL and have a range of initiatives within each area. We are in no way limited to these three areas of diversity, and aim to be a workplace where everyone has a sense of inclusion, where their differences are celebrated and where our shared values and a common sense of purpose unite us.

    Gender (initiatives include flexible work practices, a commitment to gender pay equality, generous parental leave, inclusive recruitment processes, career progression, mentoring, transition coaching for lawyers returning from parental leave, equitable briefing policy, public advocacy and more);

    Inclusion and unconscious bias (initiatives include policy information and education, cultural awareness training, ABL Pride (our LGBTQIA+ group), external initiatives to demonstrate public support and test case litigation); and

    Reconciliation and Indigenous empowerment (initiatives include being the first law firm to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), our internal ABL Indigenous Solidarity Network, creating opportunities for Indigenous Australians who have an interest in developing a career in the service professions, prominent leadership from Senior Partner Mark Leibler AC and Public Interest Law Partner Peter Seidel, regular internal events and activism).

  • At Ashurst, we see the health and wellbeing of our people as essential to achieving our goal of being an exceptional place to work.

    Law is a people business and our aim is to foster a climate within the firm where people operate at their best. The work we do is demanding, our standards are high and there are many pressures on people’s time and energy.

    Resilience is important for managing these pressures, and stress management is critical to resilience. If we learn to manage stress we can successfully keep it at levels where it energises performance rather than detracting from it.

    Our wellbeing programs are directed at raising awareness and building skills in identifying, preventing and managing stress, and helping our people build confidence and resilience.

    Some of the practical measures we take include:

    • Access to LifeWorks the firm’s Employee Assistance Program for partners, staff and immediate family members

    • Access to Wellbeing Officers across the firm

    • Access to Mental Health First Aid Officer​s​

    • Access to Healthy Living sessions

    • Free subscription to Head Space

    • Free annual flu vaccinations

    • Subsidised gym membership

    • Ongoing involvement in local sporting teams and sporting events

    • Access to discounted nib health insurance

    • Access to the Specsavers Corporate Club

    • Salary continuance insurance at no cost to most partners and staff

    Our partners are also invited to attend resilience and mental health training to help them better identify employees at risk.

    Ashurst Australia is also taking all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment occurring in the firm.

    The firm is ensuring that all partners and staff members clearly understand what sexual harassment is by introducing an ongoing education program.

    All partners and managers must reinforce the message to their staff that sexual harassment is unlawful, not acceptable and that any victimisation of those who speak against it will not be tolerated.

    Ashurst Australia has also set up procedures to ensure that sexual harassment matters are resolved.

    The firm has nominated a number of Contact Officers. They assist and advise on options for resolving the situation, either informally or through more formal channels.

    Ashurst is a signatory of the LIV Seasonal Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines again in 2022. We strongly believe that the guidelines provide a fair, transparent and wellbeing focused process that benefit both the firms and candidates working within them. We strongly encourage all candidates to contact us if they have any questions or concerns regarding our recruitment process.

  • Adherence to LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines

    Baker McKenzie Melbourne is a signatory to the LIV Clerkship and Graduate Program Guidelines 2024 (Guidelines). We have been a signatory to the Guidelines for a number of years and have consistently adhered to the Guidelines.

    We appreciate that the recruitment process can be stressful for students - particularly as our Senior Consultant, who is responsible for our graduate and clerk recruitment and programs across Melbourne, is a former lawyer who has been through this process herself! We aim to make our process as transparent as possible - prior to the recruitment process commencing (in the clerkship guides and in speaking with students at events) and at each stage of the actual recruitment process (application, interview and offer stages).

    Baker McKenzie treats student wellbeing very seriously and is active in saying so in its written and verbal communications. In addition, we run a number of sessions for students, unique to Baker McKenzie, to support students with the recruitment process.

    As always, we are open to students contacting us if they have any queries in relation to our recruitment process, and we look forward to supporting and connecting with students during the year ahead.

    Mental health and wellbeing

    At Baker McKenzie, we care about our people and are highly vigilant and proactive in supporting physical and mental wellbeing. We want to support our people to thrive and appreciate that our professional and personal lives do not operate independently - instead they influence each other. We believe that by providing a safe and supportive working environment, we can improve the overall wellbeing of all of our people.

    BakerWellbeing is a global initiative of education, activities and support. Our goal is sustainable high performance in a caring and psychologically safe environment; an environment where people speak up and ask for help.

    Wellbeing is a multidimensional state which is holistic, integrated, and encompasses the different dimensions of life. We have grouped these dimensions into four key categories: physical (diet, nutrition, exercise and sleep), mental (stress management, resilience, and emotional wellbeing), social (being connected, building relationships, having involvement with communities, and communication internally and externally) and professional (building new skills and knowledge, using and developing strengths, active career management and being challenged).

    We offer a range of initiatives to support the wellbeing of our people, including:

    • flexible working arrangements and leave options (including purchased leave, volunteer leave and working from anywhere in the world for up to 4 weeks each year);

    • our 24/7 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which is a free and confidential counselling service;

    • the support of our 'Real Mates' Mental Health Champions;

    • study leave and support;

    • a range of programs to look after your health and wellbeing (including discounted gym memberships, flu vaccinations and fresh fruit);

    • a range of sporting and social events through our social committee; and

    • a range of corporate discounts.

    We also have a Leave Policy, Parental Leave Toolkit and a market-leading Parental Leave Policy, which allows flexibility to take parental leave over two years, ensuring all genders can access up to 26 weeks' paid parental leave.

    In addition, our BakerWellbeing committee is active in offering programs, events and resources to our people. Some of these include sessions by renowned guest speakers, lunchtime forums for parents and carers, meditation sessions, fitness challenges, puppy therapy events in the workplace, newsletters, and a series of events around R U OK? Day and Mental Health Month. We've also had Mitch Wallis (Heart on my Sleeve) conduct Mental Health Awareness Training and training for our Firm's Mental Health Champions through his accredited 'Real Mates' program. In addition, our Talent Management team has undertaken mental health first aid training.

    Baker McKenzie is proud to have been recognised as winner of the award for Wellness Initiative of the Year at the 2020 Australian Law Awards. The submission focused on the Firm's holistic approach to wellbeing, appreciating individuals have different needs and support requirements, with 'connection' underpinning much of what we do and offer. This was a particularly noteworthy achievement during COVID-19 pandemic, acknowledging the Firm's commitment to the wellbeing of its people, and efforts to integrate mental and physical wellbeing into the legal profession's concept of success.

    Finally, Baker McKenzie launched its 'People Experience' in April 2021. Wellbeing is a critical component of the People Experience, with the Firm setting eight Global Wellbeing Principles, to help us navigate and thrive as we adjust to a post-COVID world and create an environment where we can perform at our best while supporting each other.

    Inclusion, Diversity & Equity

    As the first truly global law firm, Baker McKenzie's origins are rooted in the respect for and appreciation of difference. Inclusion, diversity and equity are in our DNA, and are foundational to our culture, values and strategic vision. Since our beginning, the diversity of our people has allowed us to work fluently across borders, cultures, and practices.

    Baker McKenzie is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive and equitable culture for all its employees, with equal opportunity for all to progress and have a meaningful career with our Firm. Our mission is to foster an environment where individuals of every ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, age, disability, carer status, and working style may succeed professionally and fully contribute to the goals of the Firm. As part of our inclusive culture, we encourage applications from all genders, abilities and cultural backgrounds including First Nations peoples. We also provide information and support relating to the recruitment process for trans and gender diverse candidates.

    We understand that organisations work best when people with different backgrounds and multiple points of view are brought together. Our own diversity mirrors our commitment to exploring multiple perspectives to develop the best possible solutions for our clients and to fostering a culture of respect and inclusion that celebrates diversity.

    We have more than 13,000 employees in 45 countries who speak 80+ languages, and we strive to ensure that all of our people feel included and empowered.

    Our inclusion, diversity and equity agenda is championed at the highest level by our Global Chair and our Global Executive Committee whose members each have KPIs around diversity. And we have a Global Inclusion Diversity & Equity Committee who actively works to drive forward the Firm's inclusion, diversity and equity strategy and monitor progress through regular meetings and leadership accountability.

    In Australia, our award-winning inclusion, diversity and equity strategy, initiatives and programs are focused in five key areas, in which all of our people can participate:

    • BakerWomen – gender diversity and equity, including the implementation of our gender diversity strategy to support the progression of women as a strategic priority for the Firm;

    • BakerDNA – ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity;

    • BakerWellbeing and BakerBalance – mental health and wellbeing, workplace flexibility, and supporting parents and carers;

    • BakerPride & Allies – lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex diversity; and

    • BakerIndigenousEngagement – commitment to engagement with our Indigenous community –achieving better social, economic and cultural outcomes for First Nations peoples, and to making a real difference in the lives of them and their communities.

    Some of our accolades include:

    • Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality – for the 13th consecutive year in 2023;

    • Identified as one of the best law firms for women by Working Mother magazine, Law360 and Euromoney;

    • Bronze Employer recognition at the 2022 LGBTQ+ Inclusion Awards – The Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI);

    • One of Stonewall's Top Global Employers for 2023. The Firm was one of only 22 companies worldwide to have been recognised for its work in LGBTQ+ inclusion. In addition, we won the Global Trans Inclusion Award 2020;

    • The first global law firm to set 40:40:20 gender targets – to represent 40% women, 40% men and 20% flexible (women, men or people who identify as trans or non-binary). This target applies to partners, senior business professionals, Firm committee leadership and candidate pools for recruitment; and

    • Global Chair of Baker McKenzie, Milton Cheng, a Catalyst CEO Champion for Change, taking a pledge to advance more women, including women of colour, into senior leadership positions and onto our boards.

    The Firm also established a Global Race & Ethnicity Task Force in mid-2020, to help implement and operationalise programs to advance racial and ethnic diversity.

    Finally, in 2021, Baker McKenzie appointed the Firm’s first Chief Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Officer (CIDEO). This appointment emphasises the importance that the Firm places on these matters, and the Firm's strong focus on applying an inclusion, diversity and equity lens across all aspects of its strategy.

    Sexual harassment and workplace bullying

    Baker McKenzie is committed to building and maintaining a positive, safe, inclusive and diverse working environment with equal opportunity for all to progress and have a meaningful career with our Firm. Our mission is to:

    • provide equality of opportunity to our people irrespective of personal attributes such as race, colour, religion, citizenship, national origin, ethnicity, cultural background, age, sex, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, transgender status, marital status, pregnancy and disability (known in many jurisdictions as “Protected Attributes”). This list is not exhaustive; the applicable laws of a jurisdiction may also identify additional Protected Attributes;

    • create a work environment that supports mutual trust and psychological safety, ensuring our people can be themselves, ask questions, raise concerns and seek guidance without fear;

    • set clear behavioural expectations to drive positive and inclusive behaviours, and not tolerate inappropriate, unacceptable and unlawful behaviours including discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying; and

    • provide clear mechanisms for raising concerns, accessing support and dealing with issues.

    Underpinning the above are our 'Health and Safety Policy', 'Code of Conduct', 'Respect, Inclusion and Workplace Behaviour Policy', 'Relationship at Work Policy' 'Duty to Report Policy', 'Alcohol and Prohibited Substances Policy' and 'Domestic and Family Violence Policy'.

    All new employees are required to undertake induction sessions and mandatory compliance modules in relation to the above topics when they commence, and undertake refresher training sessions throughout their employment with us.

    Additionally, Baker McKenzie launched its PointONE initiative in 2019. PointONE is part of the Firm's efforts globally to communicate clear expectations about appropriate behaviour and to provide clear, safe paths for raising and managing concerns. It demonstrates the Firm's strong commitment to not tolerating bad behaviour in the workplace.

    The Firm has appointed a number of PointONE contact officers to act as initial contact points. Our people can approach a PointONE contact (of their choice) to discuss any concerns about behaviour that may be a breach of Firm policies. The role of the contact officer is to provide information and support to our people who wish to raise concerns. We have provided each PointONE contact officer with comprehensive training so they can provide the best support to our people too. Below are some quotes from two of our PointONE contact officers:

    • "Having a safe place to raise issues – and knowing that you will be listened to and that your concerns will be addressed sensitively – is a critical aspect of an inclusive and positive workplace. I am committed to doing all I can to ensure we provide that to all of our people."

    • "I have always been passionate about ensuring our workplace is a safe, inclusive and sharing culture where everyone can be heard, can raise issues of concern and know that they will be addressed sensitively, confidentially and effectively. It is very important to me to continue to lead by example in that space and taking on a formal role, as a PointONE Contact, is an obvious step in that direction."

    As part of our commitment, our Australian office also has a Conduct Committee to:

    • provide all of our people with an additional avenue (in addition to PointONE) for clear and direct access to senior leadership to facilitate raising concerns about workplace conduct;

    • support the Talent Management team and Management Committee to ensure the consistent application of behavioural expectations, and the timely and effective response to complaints and concerns; and

    • ensure there is a small group of senior people who are monitoring any issues which may arise (and the actions taken in response) plus any trends, patterns and risks which may emerge at an individual, group or Firm level.

  • Adherence to LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines

    Transparency is crucial for students as they move through the clerkship and graduate recruitment process.

    Clayton Utz is a signatory to both the LIV Seasonal Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines 2024, because we want all students to have a fair and equitable chance to consider all available clerkship and graduate trainee opportunities. We believe this allows students to make informed decisions about how they would like to begin their careers, without unnecessary additional pressures and/or stress.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Clayton Utz is committed to supporting a mentally healthy workplace, a commitment shown by being the first Australian law firm to appoint a dedicated National Mental Health Manager. Our efforts have been recognised by our designation as an "Advanced Skilled Workplace Employer" under the Mental Health First Aid Australia Recognition Workplace Program.

    Our approach has many facets: encouraging our people to have open conversations about mental health, education, training, discussion forums, and specific resources and support.

    Those resources and support include:

    • robust mental health programs including the Vicarious Trauma Support Program, an Early in Career Mental Health Network, and a Graduate Mental Health Program;

    • a holistic health, safety and wellbeing program, which brings together all current and new initiatives into one accessible program, to help our people live a healthier life; and

    • 230 people trained as Mental Health First Aiders and Mental Health Champions (equating to 16% of our workforce), to be mental health advocates and to be a point of contact for mental health concerns among their peers.

    Our values and goals are supported by the firm's Psychological Wellbeing policy, Anti-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment & Bullying policy, Flexible Work policy, a Domestic and Family Violence policy, and Fatigue Management Guidelines.

    Diversity in the Legal Profession

    Clayton Utz is committed to diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the legal profession. You can learn more about our specific initiatives and the groups we work with here.

    As well as our own D&I initiatives, we are focused on bringing about change across the legal industry through actions such as:

    • gender equitable briefing;

    • participating in the Law Firms Australia and Managing Partners' D&I initiatives;

    • engagement with the Business Council of Australia and its focus (in particular) in recent years on accessibility, inclusion and Indigenous employment;

    • mentoring law students; and

    • community and pro bono D&I-related work involving the legal sector and disadvantaged communities.

    Sexual harassment and sex-based harassment, discrimination and bullying in the legal profession

    At Clayton Utz, everyone is encouraged to pursue excellence, be their authentic selves and always act with integrity. We want our employees to feel a strong sense of inclusion and belonging, and their time with us is positive and fulfilling.

    To do that, we know we must be free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, and sexual harassment. For us, that means understanding not just our legal obligations, but our ethical ones too.

    We look to the Sex Discrimination Commissioner's Respect@Work Report, legal industry discussion and developments such as the Law Council of Australia's National Model Framework for Addressing Sexual Harassment to inform our policies, education, training and reporting, which we update frequently.

    Starting from the top, our leadership team sets clear expectations to all partners and employees through all staff communications and forums, and creates mechanisms for our people to feel safe and supported when they raise concerns.

    Our specific policies, training and education are:

    • An Anti-Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying policy (backed by mandatory online and face-to-face training); a Drug and Alcohol policy; a Gender Diverse and Gender Affirmation policy supporting our commitment to being a gender diverse and inclusive environment.

    • A Workplace Code of Conduct which sets out what is acceptable conduct and what is not, what an individual should do if they become aware of unacceptable conduct, and how the firm will respond to and address any concerns raised.

    • A Whistleblowing Policy and Whistleblower hotline (delivered by a third-party provider) for raising concerns about "Reportable Conduct" under the policy. The service is available 24 hours a day and offers the option to report concerns anonymously.

    • Contact Officers in each of our six offices nationally (a role we introduced in 2019), who are peers with whom any one of our people can raise workplace issues or concerns.

    • Bystander training – to help raise and improve awareness of the importance of bystander action. We know that bystander intervention is a potentially useful strategy in the prevention of unacceptable behaviour such as sexual or sex-based harassment. We've partnered with the MATE program team from Griffith University to provide a helpful framework.

    • Employee feedback surveys through which people can raise concerns about their workplace experiences.

    • Training and practical tools to assist people to become active bystanders in calling out unacceptable workplace behaviour.

  • Diversity, dignity and inclusiveness

    We have put in place a number of policies that set clear expectations of what our stakeholders can expect from us in relation to diversity, dignity and inclusion; to human rights; and, to the environment. We work carefully to ensure that the principles at the heart of these policies are integrated into all aspects of how we manage our business.

    We recognise that a firm operating in many jurisdictions needs to take into account local law and standards so please read this policy in conjunction with any specific office or jurisdictional guidance available. We believe that being an equal opportunities firm means going beyond mere compliance with anti-discrimination legislation.

    We believe that promoting diversity means creating an inclusive work environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed without obstacles based on their gender, gender identity and expression, marital and civil partnership status, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, social or economic background, disability, religious belief, sexual orientation, age or any other basis prohibited under applicable law. We recognise that people from varying backgrounds can bring a full range of worthwhile ideas and innovations to our working practices and business. Encouraging everyone at the Firm to respect the individuality of their colleagues and to feel comfortable in making their own contribution is a fundamental aspect of our values and critical to our business success. Our Equal Opportunities policy applies to recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of employment, including pay, promotion, training, transfers, and our approach to every other aspect of employment. The Firm aims to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and treated on the basis of their individual abilities and merits and the needs of the Firm.

    We support our employees and the partners with a broad range of policies, practices and procedures which aim to recognise individual contribution and performance, develop each individual’s capability and give everyone an equal opportunity to use their talent and fulfil their potential. Equality of opportunity, fairness, trust, acceptance of differences and the rights of individuals, including the right to work in an atmosphere free from discrimination and prejudice, are important principles of the Firm; our ‘Community’ value, in particular, emphasises the importance the Firm places on inclusiveness and meritocracy and aims to provide an environment where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. We consider that everyone has a responsibility to see that our policy is applied across all levels of the Firm and in everything that we do. In line with this core value we devise and implement innovative strategies in three strands.

    In our firm

    Our goal is to deliver an equality of opportunity, an equality of aspiration and an equality of experience to everyone who works in our firm. We recognise that a true diversity of talent and experience is an essential ingredient in our success. To be the global law firm of choice in this area we need to be the leaders in this area.

    With our clients

    Clifford Chance has assembled a team of international experts on employment law, campaigning and strategic planning to develop a suite of services and strategic analysis which can be targeted and tailored to help our clients realise their inclusion goals. We also work with clients on developing collaborative initiatives that raise awareness, build capacity and empower our firms and our people to become effective agents of change.

    In the world

    We believe that for our values and commitment to inclusion to be real we must be prepared to use our skills to champion and deliver them. Across the world, from courtrooms to classrooms to communities, we are using our expertise to campaign for change and help realise a more inclusive society for all.


    At Clifford Chance we believe everyone is entitled to the same equality of opportunity and experience. Each of us can face a range of personal, work and societal pressures that can impact our mental health and wellbeing. We realise that working in a law firm can be a demanding environment. Our wellbeing agenda aims to ensure our people are able to recognise and appreciate the importance of maintaining good mental health and in building their resilience and ability to operate healthily and successfully. Promoting a healthy lifestyle is another focus. We support our people in making healthier choices and encourage them to view exercise as social activity.

  • Corrs respects and values the diversity of our workforce. We expect all partners and employees to contribute to making our workplace supportive, safe and fair. The firm’s success relies upon the attraction, retention and development opportunities provided to talented people with diverse ideas, backgrounds and experiences. We want everyone to feel connected, valued and supported, so that every individual can succeed and can contribute to our firm and client success.

    We strongly believe that diversity in all its forms should be embraced and celebrated. This benefits our people, our clients, our firm and the industry at large. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is woven through all aspects of our firm – from our recruitment and people development strategies through to our wellbeing initiatives. Respect in our workplace is fundamental to our firm and we are committed to having a workplace which is safe, respectful and inclusive. We make clear the expected behaviour of all our people, and our policies and frameworks support the firm’s unwavering commitment to providing a healthy and safe working environment, free from discrimination. We provide regular training for all our people to ensure expectations relating to conduct at work are understood and met.

    Corrs is a proud signatory to the Law Institute of Victoria’s Seasonal Clerkship Guidelines and recognises the benefits of these guidelines when recruiting our future lawyers. The wellbeing of our prospective clerks and graduates is very important and we take our obligations in that regard very seriously. By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to provide a fair and positive experience for all students involved in our recruitment process and clerkship and graduate programs.

  • In everything we do we live by the firm’s values: Be Supportive (we are compassionate and inclusive, valuing diversity and acting thoughtfully); Be Collaborative (we are proactive, passionate team players, investing in our relationships)); Be Bold (we are fearless and inquisitive, challenging ourselves to think big and find creative new solutions); Be Exceptional (we are strategic and driven, exceeding standards and expectations).

    Inclusion & Diversity

    At DLA Piper, we believe diversity and inclusion is about the collective power of bringing together many and varied voices. It’s about harnessing our differences for the better.

    Our Equality and Diversity Policy begins with a simple acknowledgement that we are all different. Our approach is about ensuring that our policies and practices treat people on an equitable basis, that provides opportunities for all our people.

    To help facilitate a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion into everyday work, our D&I Committee has established initiatives related to gender, ethnicity & culture, disability and LGBT+. Our people networks are what really makes our D&I strategy come to life. Based on these areas our people networks aim to raise awareness, connect, educate, and provide support.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing

    DLA Piper is committed to taking meaningful action to support the wellbeing of all of our people. We acknowledge that in addition to the challenges of COVID-19 and remote working, the legal industry is challenging, with long hours and significant workloads at times. We aim to provide a sustainable approach to health and wellbeing.

    We aim to provide easily accessible support to our people while ensuring they have access to meaningful programs to build their personal capability to get and stay well. We provide access to services, tools, and resources to effectively support mental health and promote wellbeing.

    Bullying and Harassment in the legal profession

    The firm has zero tolerance for the less favourable treatment or disrespect of any member of our team.

    The firm has policies and processes in place to prevent and respond to any matters relating to bullying and harassment. Upon commencement every employee, partner and contractor must complete mandatory training as part of their onboarding schedule. All employees, partners and contractors are required to complete this training every two years.

    The firm takes claims of harassment and bullying very seriously. Through our policy we ensure allegations and complaints are investigated thoroughly, and due process is afforded to all of those involved. In line with the policy, any act of bullying or harassment will be subject to formal disciplinary action.

    Law Institute of Victoria Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines

    DLA Piper is proud to be a signatory to the Law Institute of Victoria’s Seasonal Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines appreciating the consistency and fairness the guidelines provide for all law students during the recruitment process.

    We are committed to employing a diverse workforce to draw on a range of skills and experiences. We encourage candidates to share any accessibility adjustments with us, that will assist in their participation in our recruitment process.

    We want our clerks and graduates to reach their full potential as part of a diverse, global team that thrives on collaboration, seizing opportunities and commercial edge. We pride ourselves on giving new lawyers a truly unique experience. Whether you’re a student, clerk or graduate we aim to give you the tools and experience to forge a successful career in law. That means combining learning with experience, and giving you the opportunity to take on real responsibilities, working with people at all levels and across our business.

  • (1) Inclusion and diversity

    Our people are at the centre of everything we do. Our Board, Partners and Management Team are committed to providing an environment that encourages and promotes inclusion and diversity, instilling pride in our firm and our values. We will all maintain and build upon an environment where our people are comfortable and confident to bring their authentic selves to work and celebrate their differences.

    We are immensely proud of our gender equality statistics, with over 35% of our Partnership being female. Furthermore, we have a robust paid parental leave scheme, which has enabled 100% of our workforce to return to Gadens after parental leave.

    Gadens Gender Profile, 2022:

    • 35% female partners

    • 54% female legal staff

    • 74% female non-legal staff

    Demonstrated examples of our commitment to ethical and socio-economic sustainability include:

    • Member of Diversity Council Australia.

    • Adoption of the Diversity and Equality Charter developed by the Law Council of Australia.

    • Signatories to Pay Equity Ambassadors under the Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency's (WGEA) Pay Equity Ambassador Program.

    • Awarded WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality.

    • Delivery of unconscious bias training to all employees.

    • Law Council of Australia Equitable Briefing Policy signatories.

    • Your work. Your way. approach, which empowers all of our people to co-design a work week that enables them to work the way they work best. This fosters an improved work-life balance and has a meaningful flow-on impact on their homes and communities.

    We partner with JobSupport, a specialist service placing people with an intellectual disability into employment. JobSupport’s mission is to place, train and maintain people with an intellectual disability into quality jobs that meet both their employment needs and the needs of the employer. Each position is specially designed by an employer in consultation with JobSupport, to ensure that each placement works well for both the employer and new employee.

    (2) Sexual harassment in the legal profession

    Gadens is committed to providing and maintaining a workplace that is free from any form of inappropriate workplace behaviour, including unlawful discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), vilification, victimisation and bullying. This begins with our recruitment strategies and continues through to all levels of the firm.

    Similar to the profession, Gadens has a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment. All staff undertake training on how to act in the workplace, including what is considered to be appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. Referral and reporting pathways are made clear to all staff should any of our staff become aware of an incident involving one of our staff within internally or externally to the firm. Our CEO is one of many CEOs who has signed DCA's #IStandForRespect public pledge to stamp out sexual harassment in the workplace.

    (3) Mental health and wellbeing

    At Gadens, the mental health and wellbeing of our people is of key importance. It is also a key priority area of Gadens' pro bono practice. We provide legal assistance to a number of individuals who suffer from mental health issues, as well as provide support to those organisations and community legal centres who work alongside these individuals on a daily basis.

    Our People and Development team work alongside our Partners, Management, Sustainability and Social Impact team as well as our dedicated Wellbeing Committee, to deliver a holistic program to promote better fitness for both the body and mind. It covers various educational seminars on a range of topics including working with vulnerable clients, the importance of sleep, resilience and nutrition and activities such as corporate sporting events and team sports, .

    (4) Workplace bullying

    Gadens is committed to providing and maintaining a workplace that is safe and without risk to health, including bullying. The Firm will not tolerate any behaviour of this kind.

  • At Gilbert + Tobin, we know our people are our greatest asset and so we have comprehensive policies and practices in place to care for them. Fundamental to achieving our goal of attracting and retaining the best talent is a commitment to creating an environment that is free from discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying, where everyone is treated with dignity, courtesy and respect and where the mental health and wellbeing of our people is prioritised.

    We have a firm wide Diversity Council made up of partners and employees. For 2022, our key areas of focus are cultural + social inclusion, gender, and accessibility. As part of our wellbeing strategy, we have several avenues of support, including:

    • Accredited training in 2021 for a cross section of staff from all offices in Mental Health First Aid. In addition to our first aiders, a number of Partners and senior leaders attended mental health awareness training.

    • A firm wide wellbeing program, ‘Grow + Thrive’, that includes sessions on mental health, wellbeing, resilience, financial health and positive leadership – including firm wide learning for RUOK? Day.

    • Running national wellbeing events, including ‘wellbeing weeks’ in each office. Events include free massages, yoga, nutrition seminars, running shoe fit and postural alignment sessions. This year we had a dedicated ‘Recode and Reset’ training calendar to focus on mindset as well as other positive mental health strategies.

    • Measures to monitor the workload and hours of our people and ensuring time in lieu is offered to provide an opportunity to rest and recharge.

    • Access to ‘Whispli’, an external complaints platform which enables our people to submit an anonymous report or concern to the firm.

    Managing high volumes of work and tight timelines is an ongoing challenge for our firm and the industry, however our lawyers have been supported with best practice technology to ensure they can work flexibly in meeting these demands. Becoming a leader in flexible work is an ongoing project for us and a fundamental part of our business strategy. Given the seamless transition to home working during 2020 and 2021, this has enabled continued hybrid working options both in and out of the office.

    Annually we run compulsory workplace behaviour sessions for all staff to ensure understanding of our expected behaviours at G+T around harassment and bullying. In addition, we have several workplace policies + training in place to prevent sexual harassment, including an appropriate workplace behaviour policy that covers discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying.

    We have a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and are committed to increasing the representation of

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians at our firm. One of the keyways this is achieved is through our Indigenous Cadetship Program.

    We also run cultural awareness training which we find helps to understand Indigenous applicants in particular, avoiding common cultural misunderstandings around body language. In our graduate recruitment processes, we involve a broad cross section of the firm in assessing candidates and our final decisions include Partners from marginalised groups who test the outcomes in regards to cultural and other biases. Our graduate programmes are more diverse in general year on year.

    Across the firm we have a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion demonstrated by the fact that:

    • We are a Major Partner of the Diversity Council of Australia.

    • We have been a WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality since the citation began in 2014.

    • We are a Silver Member of the Australia Network on Disability and through our partnership with them have employed legal interns.

    • We were a founding signatory to the Law Council’s Gender Equitable Briefing Policy.

    • We support our LGBTIQ+ employee action group called ‘OUT’ with firm events and networking.

    In November 2018, we announced a new target for women in partnership of 40% by 2023, with a longer-term goal of gender parity. To support this goal, in 2021 we further enhanced our parental leave entitlements creating flexible paid leave within 24 months for both parents, and return-to-work support. We also increased our paid parental leave from 18 weeks to 26 weeks. We expanded our ‘Women’s Circle’ program nationally and have worked with clients to support the development of their senior women leaders. In support of all staff with parenting responsibilities (which research shows falls predominantly on women), we supported virtual care programmes during the lockdowns in 2020-21 and will continue to offer this as holiday care in the coming year. Our working parents’ forums in all offices enable the concerns of this group to be heard and discussed, contributing to improving work and life outcomes for this group at G+T.

    In our internal recruitment processes at Gilbert + Tobin, we adhere to the LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines when recruiting clerks and graduates. This ensures consistency and fairness for all law students applying for clerkships.

  • Mental health and wellbeing

    Hall & Wilcox is proud of its inclusive culture – one that is inclusive and progressive. It enables us to create a workplace environment in which both individuals and groups feel welcome, respected and valued every day and in every interaction.

    We offer a range of benefits and initiatives to support all of our people both in and outside the workplace, with initiatives across five wellbeing focus areas - career, social, physical and psychological, financial and community.

    Focus on these areas supports our people to bring their whole selves to work and to achieve their greatest potential. Our commitment to our inclusive workplace is reflected in our Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation.

    In addition to our extensive employee benefits program, we are also committed to ensuring our people work reasonable hours and maintain a healthy work life balance. We have internal measures in place to ensure working hours are monitored and maintained.

    We believe a sustained focus on mental health and wellbeing is critical, and we aim to achieve this by promoting awareness and support of mental health initiatives and programs, some of which include; Mindfulness in May, R U OK? Day, Mental Health Month and World Mental Health Day.

    We have launched our Mental Health Framework initiative providing a series of information and competency-based seminars and skills-based training on a variety of topics relating to workplace mental health. The seminars focus on prevention, early intervention and recovery. The aim of these prevention strategies is to not only raise education and awareness in each of these areas, but also to embed frameworks and strategies for actions to take when a matter in the area of mental health and wellbeing arises.

    The promotion of our EAP provider confirm our commitment to the wellbeing of all our people in the everyday open, supportive conversations in managing mental health. We also fund health and fitness activities to reinforce our holistic approach to wellness.

    Sexual harassment and unfair treatment in the legal profession

    Hall & Wilcox is committed to ensuring that all our people are treated fairly and equitably, and in work in an environment free of sexual harassment, harassment, discrimination and victimisation. The firm is built on integrity and the highest ethical standards. Our Hallmarks emphasise respect for everyone.

    All employees and partners are responsible for creating a safe and comfortable working environment. The firm acknowledges that it has a legal obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the workplace is free of any form of harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and victimisation.

    Prior to commencing with Hall & Wilcox, new starters are provided with the firm’s Anti-discrimination and sexual harassment, Anti-Bullying and Complaint resolution policies. They must read these policies and acknowledge they have by signature. Additionally, all employees and partners are required to complete mandatory training on sexual harassment. Our people also complete refresher training every two years.

    We have internal procedures in place to ensure that if any employee or partner feels they have been subjected to any form of harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, or victimisation that it is dealt with in a professional and appropriate manner.

    Diversity within the legal profession

    Australian society is culturally and socially diverse and this is reflected in both the demographics of legal practitioners and their clients. Law firms are increasing efforts to progress workplaces inclusion by targeting diversity initiatives such as gender equality, cultural diversity, flexible working, First Nation Australians, accessibility and people living with disability and LGBTQIA+ ally inclusion.

    At Hall & Wilcox, we are committed to creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects our community and our clients. We understand that workplace diversity involves recognising and celebrating the characteristics that make each individual different. Equally, we understand that workplace inclusion requires strategies to create a workplace environment in which both individuals and groups feel welcome, respected and valued, by incorporating different ways of thinking, interacting and approaching business strategies to ensure that all individuals are valued and are able to meaningfully contribute to the firm.

    Leveraging the diversity offered by our people to deliver Smarter Law to our clients is critical and supports us to being recognised externally as a firm that exemplifies diversity in its day-to-day practice. Key to our success is to attract ,retain and engage the best talent ; building stronger relationships with clients; and improved decision making, problem solving and innovation through diverse teams and diversity of thinking.

    Adherence to the LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines

    Hall & Wilcox is a signatory to the LIV Seasonal Clerkship and LIV Traineeship Guidelines 2021. The firm has followed these guidelines put in place by the LIV for several years to ensure consistency and fairness throughout the recruitment process. All offers and communications regarding our Seasonal Clerkship and Graduate programs are made in line with these guidelines.

    Please refer to relevant LinkedIn posts from our Managing Partner:

  • At Herbert Smith Freehills we are committed to creating a culture where people feel respected, valued and that they belong. Our Leading for Inclusion strategy sets out our vision to be the leading international law firm for our diverse and inclusive culture. We recognise the power of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation, collaboration and business outcomes. Key elements of our strategy include:

    • Gender diversity targets for our partnership and partner leadership roles

    • Leadership on LGBT+ inclusion and advocacy

    • Developing a systemic approach to how we better support mental health and wellbeing

    • Improving the representation and experience of ethnic minority people across our offices through our 10 Actions for Change

    • Initiatives to promote disability inclusion

    Allowing each member of our team to bring their best to work, by supporting and upholding our standards of engaging with one another, we’re able to nurture those values and achieve great outcomes for our clients.

    Our vision is to create a culture free from stigma, where our people feel that they can discuss their mental health, know how to support others, and where they can easily access support, not just in times of need, but to proactively build positive mental health. It’s a journey, but we’ve already made significant progress. Highlights include our award-winning Mental Health Champions program, our mental health awareness training, our global health and wellbeing hub (providing access to support, information and further resources) and our How We Work guidelines, designed to promote more mindful ways of working and eliminate unnecessary stress.

    As a firm, we are committed to creating an inclusive workplace culture – a culture that enables our colleagues to ‘bring the best of themselves’ to work and to progress whatever their background or identity. We do not tolerate sexual harassment in our firm and have taken strong action to ensure that it is challenged and addressed.

    Finally, we’d like to make a commitment to you, the legal students approaching clerkship applications. We understand this is a difficult time, rife with decisions that will have a tangible impact on your early career.

    To reduce that strain, and to ensure we’re putting your wellbeing first, we are an ongoing signatory to the LIV Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines. These guidelines allow students to make an informed decision around which priority offers to accept and removes the burden of receiving offers at differing times.

    We feel it is incredibly important for that decision to rest with you, and that you are afforded the opportunity to explore the legal opportunities on offer here in Victoria and we will continue to support that freedom of choice.

  • Diversity & Inclusion

    We are committed to providing a workplace where people are treated with respect and kindness, and have equal opportunity. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying.

    Creating a culture that fosters inclusion and belonging through diverse thinking, collaboration and growth for our people, clients and communities, is important to us.

    We know that an inclusive workplace drives innovation and delivers better business outcomes. But most importantly, it allows everyone we work with to feel valued, respected and able to be themselves. Our diversity & inclusion strategy is focused on building awareness, inclusion and action across

    • Gender equality & advancement

    • Cultural diversity & First Nations

    • Flexible working

    • LGBTQA+

    • Disability and accessibility

    • Inclusion in wellbeing

    We adhere to the LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines to ensure consistency and fairness throughout our recruitment process.

    Mental Health & Wellbeing

    A career in law is very rewarding, but it sometimes has its challenges. Building a strong culture of resilience and wellbeing is extremely important to us. We’ve worked hard to normalise discussions around mental health and wellbeing, creating a safe environment to raise concerns or ask for help. Our wellbeing services include:

    • access to a confidential assistance and counselling service which benefits all members of the firm and their immediate family

    • wellbeing champions across the firm to increase the number of people with the skills and knowledge to support better mental health and wellbeing

    • access to “The Resilience Box” – a resource that helps strengthen resilience through online learning modules, counselling and coaching appointments, videos, podcasts and factsheets.

    • targeted health and wellbeing products including flu vaccination and access to discounted health insurance

    • specific workplace programs and procedures that address many common lifestyle, health, fitness and safety issues

    Pro bono

    We never lose sight of the responsibility of the legal profession in the broader community.

    Our focus is on helping low income, disadvantaged or marginalised members of the Australian community and the organisations which support them. We work with many established and emerging charitable organisations taking over their legal issues so they are free to focus on helping the people and causes they support.

    We are signed up to the National Pro Bono Target with the Australian Pro Bono Centre as a part of our ongoing commitment to the community,

  • Adherence to LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines:

    Jones Day is a signatory to the LIV Seasonal Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines for 2021. Jones Day commits to the LIV Guidelines as they ensure consistency and fairness throughout the legal recruitment process.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing:

    At Jones Day, we care about the mental health and wellbeing of all employees. We provide our staff with a number of programs, which include:

    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) this provides emotional and psychological counselling to all employees free of charge,

    • RUOK? Day events and handouts,

    • Free Mindfulness Meditation/Yoga sessions,

    • Subsidised gym memberships,

    • Annual Flu Vaccinations and

    • Social events, which include; morning tea and Friday night drinks

    Sexual Harassment in the legal profession:

    Jones Day is an equal opportunity employer. We believe that everyone should feel comfortable in the workplace and that differences should be respected. This means that everyone must be able to work in an environment free from harassment and bullying.

    All harassment that is sexual or sex-based, racial or relates to a person’s ethnicity, religion, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, actual or presumed, past, present or future disability, age, actual or presumed homosexuality, actual or presumed transgender status, or actual or presumed responsibilities as a carer is discriminatory and will not be tolerated in the workplace.

    Jones Day considers unlawful harassment and bullying to be unacceptable and such conduct will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

    Diversity within the legal profession:

    At Jones Day, you will see lawyers from diverse background leading client engagements, practice groups, and offices around the world. This reality reflects not only a long-standing Firm commitment to diversity but also a recognition that a broad, diverse group of lawyers is important to our firm culture and meets the needs of our clients in a diverse world. We share this commitment with our clients and undertake this responsibility with them.

    We pursue hiring, retaining, mentoring and developing lawyers from historically underrepresented groups and background. By mentoring and promoting women, people of all races and backgrounds and members of the LGBTQI+ community, we tap the unique strengths and experiences of very talented lawyers and staff.

  • K&L Gates adheres to the LIV Clerkship and Traineeship guidelines and we apply a consistent and fair approach to all of our legal recruitment processes. We expect that all of our employees and partners carry out their business and perform their duties to the highest ethical standards whilst maintaining respect for all stakeholders.

    A strong focus for our firm is in providing a safe working environment which is free from discrimination and harassment as well as maintaining a diverse culture that responds effectively to both the physical and psychological needs of our people.

    We acknowledge that in particular, sexual harassment has been identified as an issue within the legal industry. We ensure that all of our staff attends regular and comprehensive training on this topic and that they are familiar with our Workplace Behaviour policy and our zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment in the workplace.

    It is also recognised that mental health is a major issue within the legal industry so a strong focus has been on ensuring our staff have a broad range of support services and health and wellbeing options available to them. We also provide access to regular education sessions on range of health and wellbeing topics including topics on mental health. Our HR staff are trained and accredited in mental health first aid.

    K&L Gates is an equal opportunity employer and promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of those with a disability. We welcome applications from people who have an indigenous and/or culturally and linguistically diverse background. We acknowledge that diversity within our workforce adds enormous value to our firm and we benefit from the broad depth of skills, knowledge and experience it brings. Our diversity committee is actively involved in a range of initiatives to promote an inclusive workplace where all people are valued and where everyone can make a contribution. We are proud members of the Diversity Council of Australia, Pride in Diversity, Asian Australian Lawyers Association and Victorian Women Lawyers.

    At K&L Gates, our commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable workplace supported by a range of health and wellbeing initiatives is shared throughout the firm, and driven passionately by our Australian Managing Partner and our Global Managing Partner.

  • King & Wood Mallesons, as a signatory to the Law Institute of Victoria’s Seasonal Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines, supports and adheres to the agreed framework and recognises its value in providing consistency and fairness through the legal recruitment process.

    Diversity and Inclusion

    KWM is proud of our significant investment and advocacy related to diversity and inclusion. As a top tier law firm, we are committed to improving legal and justice systems to build more respectful and stronger workplaces and communities, where diversity is valued and celebrated.


    • Over 50% representation of women across all non-partner levels

    • A target of 40% women in partnership by 2025 (currently at 35%)

    • 24% of our graduates and solicitors who are under 2 years experience identify as LGBTIQ+

    • Our people identify with over 100 different countries/ethnic groups and speak 66 different languages

    • Our Inclusion and diversity policies are market leading, especially our Parental Leave, Public Holiday Swap, and Family and Domestic Violence Leave policies

    • We offer programs and services for across all life stages

    We understand that the success of diversity and inclusion requires active and committed leadership. As Chief Executive Partner, Renae Lattey is our custodian of KWM culture and actively drives our diversity and inclusion work, supported by leaders across all levels of the firm. This is facilitated by our governance structure with the Inclusion Council leading the way, reinforced by working groups and employee networks that cover a span of diversity areas.

    Everyone is welcome to join and participate in our employee networks which directly inform our firm strategy. We also provide a range of opportunities for external networking and professional development with memberships to leading organisations including Diversity Council of Australia, Asian Leadership Project, Asian Australian Lawyers Association, Pride in Diversity, Diverse Women in Law, and Australian Disability Network.

    KWM is a leading employer of diverse people who provide exceptional service at all levels as we harness the benefits that diverse thinking offers in research and evaluation, problem solving, and innovation. Our people are supported and enabled to deliver high performance through our systems and programs including our innovation hub, learning and development programs, and professional networks.

    KWM’s national leadership is recognised by our inclusion as only one of 25 members of the G20 Alliance for the Empowerment and Progression of Women’s Economic Representation. The group is an action-driven alliance among businesses and governments to accelerate women’s leadership and empowerment across G20 countries.

    While we appreciate that diversity and inclusion can offer a competitive advantage for employers, we are committed to sharing and working with others. Building strong client and peer relationships enables us to learn from one another and innovate for a better future. It is also at the heart of our being – providing access to justice through improving human rights.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing

    At KWM, we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our people, and those we work with across the legal profession, to be an issue of critical importance. Alongside our focus on diversity and inclusion, we also recognise our responsibility for providing a healthy and safe workplace for our people.

    • At KWM we see wellbeing as a shared responsibility – at the individual, team, and firm level. At the individual level we ask people to know what they need to do to look after themselves and how to demonstrate and prioritise self-care and acknowledge there are times when client demands may impact these. At a team level we work hard to create a sense of belonging, connection, strong positive team cultures grounded in psychological safety. At a firm level we provide policies, processes, learning and development and some tech platforms to support wellbeing such as Sonder, Unmind and Headspace. We require all our graduates to record their hours worked to help us monitor and manage workloads and comply with our obligations under the Legal Services Award (LSA). We follow a mandatory graduate check-in process to ensure our compliance with the LSA and what is considered ordinary hours of work. We have created clear guidance in terms of role clarity called graduate expectations. This is designed to take away any unnecessary worry or anxiety about not knowing what is expected of them.

    • The KWM Practical Legal Training includes an upfront intensive component. This means that our graduates complete a significant proportion of their PLT before commencing the KWM Graduate Program. This is to reduce their overall load during their first rotation. Graduates are paid during their upfront intensive PLT.

    • We are a founding member of the Corporate Mental Health Alliance Australia, a business-led and expert-guided alliance which aims to create a culture of good mental health for workers, where everyone can talk about mental health without fear of stigma and share good practice. Two of our lawyers are members of the CMHAA Early in Careers Committee and Thriving from the Start network. The Thriving from the Start network is a community of support for those who are in their early career stages. With a mission to create a culture of positive mental health in businesses, the network focuses on projects that enable education and provide resources to the Early in Careers cohort.

    • Our commitment to flexible and hybrid working arrangements actively supports a variety of formal and informal working options, accessible to all irrespective of personal circumstances. All of our people are expected to be in the office more than less and we believe our graduates benefit greatly from the informal on the job experience which is difficult to replicate from home.

    • We’re enabling rest and recovery, including though our Time Back Policy, and continually monitoring and improving our systems to monitor workloads and wellbeing.

    Positive Workplace Culture

    We foster a workplace that is fair, safe, and based on respect and integrity. We are taking a very intentional approach to raise awareness around sexual harassment and inappropriate workplace behaviours. Our Respect@KWM commitment is to foster a workplace that is fair, safe, and based on respect and integrity. Any inappropriate behaviours including harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, and bullying has no place at KWM.

    • We have commenced a comprehensive Respect@KWM program of work, which focuses specifically on KWM’s response to eliminating sexual harassment and gender inequality, harassment and bullying in the workplace.

    • Our mandatory Respect@KWM compliance module is delivered annually across all levels within the firm.

    • Looking forward, further development opportunities will be made available to our partners, and across the whole firm to increase awareness and understanding of what a fair, safe, and respectful workplace looks like, and to support a “speak up” culture at KWM.

  • Adherence to LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines

    Lander & Rogers is a signatory to the LIV Clerkship & Traineeship Guidelines, which means we have committed to providing a fair and consistent seasonal clerk and graduate recruitment process for our candidates. We see seasonal clerk and graduate talent as vital to our firm, as it allows all of us to benefit from our clerks' and graduates' diverse set of skills, backgrounds and perspectives.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Lander & Rogers has a long-term commitment to the wellbeing of its people and is focused on enabling them to bring their best selves to work, both personally and professionally. We see mental health as integral to a happy and productive workplace.

    Our dedicated wellbeing program, Wellness@Landers, takes a holistic approach to supporting the physical and mental health of our people. Since 2018, our firm has focused on resilience — a crucial skill for coping with life's inevitable obstacles. We've partnered with The Resilience Project and its founder, Hugh van Cuylenburg, to build skills in embedding resilience principles into our daily lives; fostering gratitude, empathy and mindfulness; and the power of connection and living with purpose. We stay active and connected with firmwide and team-led activities including virtual and in-person exercise classes, such as yoga and pilates; team sports; online running clubs and distance challenges.

    We were recently recognised as a Mental Health First Aid Australia (MHFA) Gold-level skilled workplace, and have a team of mental health first aid officers on-hand to listen to anyone with mental health concerns and connect them with the appropriate professional help or support.

    Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession

    Lander & Rogers set a new benchmark for the legal profession when, in November 2020, we overhauled our firm's policy relating to sexual harassment and defined guidelines around consensual relationships in the workplace:

    1) In a simple but powerful change to our Sexual Harassment Policy, we introduced mandatory reporting for anyone who experiences, witnesses or becomes aware of sexual harassment within our firm. We shifted the language in our policy that relates to reporting incidents from "should report" to "must report" – to remove stigma and fear for those coming forward to report issues, and to empower not only victims, but also witnesses and bystanders and their managers. In this way we reinforced our firm's zero-tolerance stance on harassment and affirmed our commitment to an inclusive environment where people feel safe to voice their concerns.

    2) We introduced a new Personal Relationships in the Workplace policy, applicable to consensual personal relationships and family relationships. The policy states that any staff members engaging in a personal relationship that raises conflict issues (whether actual, potential or perceived) must report the relationship to their manager or to the human resources team. This allows the relevant parties to consult and work together to minimise conflicts of interest – particularly where one party in the relationship is in a position of influence. Rather than stigmatising or banning personal relationships in the workplace, the policy allows us to proactively manage any power imbalance or conflict so that the relationship doesn't adversely impact the couple, or their colleagues, in the fulfilment of their roles and duties.

    By fostering an inclusive work environment where people feel safe to initiate honest conversations around sensitive topics like sexual harassment, Lander & Rogers is taking action against one of the legal industry's most pervasive issues.

    Promoting diversity within the legal profession.

    Lander & Rogers is a committed advocate for diversity and inclusion. We are recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Federal Government's Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), for our initiatives designed to promote gender equality through pay equity, flexible work practices and tools, gender neutral parental leave opportunities and the promotion of women to positions of leadership.

    We're proud to have the highest percentage of female senior associates of any Australian law firm, and one of the highest female partner ratios at 45%. Our firm's Board is 50% female, and we have a female Chief Executive Partner and female Chair. Our partnership promotion pipeline is 50/50 male and female. Of the 31 lawyers promoted to senior positions in 2021, 68% were women - including 3 out of 5 partners.

    We recognise that our firm’s success is a direct reflection of the calibre of our people and we are committed to building a workforce that represents the diversity of the clients and communities we serve. We believe an inclusive workplace, where everyone feels valued and can reach their full potential, is a critical part of our success. We are recognised as having an approach to diversity and inclusion that is authentic and genuine and is embedded in our down-to-earth and supportive workplace culture.

  • Maddocks is a signatory to the LIV Seasonal Clerkship and Traineeship guidelines in 2022, which ensures consistency and fairness throughout the legal recruitment process.

    We consider a vibrant, diverse and inclusive workforce to be a strategic asset for our business and critical to achieving our vision to be ‘a great Australian law firm – engaged and successful’.

    Diversity includes gender, ethnicity, culture, language, education, disability, age, family/relationship status, sexual orientation, socio economic background and religious beliefs. Diversity also encompasses the many ways people are different in terms of their life experience, education, job function, work experience, ways of thinking and working, personality, location, marital status and caring responsibilities. We are committed to providing an inclusive, safe and supportive work environment where everyone feels comfortable to be their authentic selves. We strive to achieve equality for all of our people and to provide a culture that celebrates diversity and is respectful of each individual. We want to achieve a workforce that reflects the diversity of our clients and the communities we operate in, which forms part of our commitment to understanding our clients and their needs better than anyone else.

    We have a strong commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace. This is encapsulated in our Maddocks Women, Maddocks Pride and Maddocks Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups. These groups are open to all Maddocks people as a way of promoting career development and networking opportunities.

    Maddocks has been named as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency every year since 2004. This award is continued recognition that we offer equal opportunity to all our people at Maddocks. We were also named a Bronze Employer at the Australian Workplace Equality Index’s 2021 LGBTQ Inclusion Awards for our second consecutive year. We were recognised for the initiatives we have implemented to create a safe and inclusive workplace for our LGBTQ allies.

    Flexible working practices have long been part of our culture. We recognise that work is what people do, not a place where you go. As an employee you will have access to market-leading working and parental leave arrangements.

    All partners and staff are entitled to work in a safe environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), bullying, occupational violence and victimisation. All partners and staff are expected to behave in a professional manner in the workplace and treat each other with dignity and respect.

    Your wellbeing is our priority. We know that being fit, healthy and happy improves work performance and morale. Our Be Well Work Well initiatives shine the light on ways to keep you happy, healthy and productive. In a high performance culture, feeling a sense of achievement is important and when you’re well at work it also means that your time with friends, family and your community will be more enjoyable.

    One of the most important parts of Be Well Work Well is the Maddocks Employee Assistance Program (EAP). We partner with the Centre for Corporate Health to deliver our EAP, which is designed to support your health and wellbeing by offering free, confidential counselling to support you and your family when needed.

    As part of the Maddocks EAP you will have access to the Resilience Box®, a digital platform with tools, videos, podcasts and online learning modules that you can access at any time to help to support your wellbeing. Flu vaccinations, discounted health insurance, superannuation consultations and an ongoing focus on mental health and wellbeing are just some of the benefits you will receive while at Maddocks.

  • At MinterEllison, our purpose is to create lasting impacts with our clients, our people and our communities. Our culture is built on the foundations of trust, integrity and fairness. We create lasting impacts when we consistently live and work in the MinterEllison Way:

    • We build authentic and enduring relationships;

    • We deliver excellence without attitude;

    • We are curious and innovative;

    • We make diversity, in all its forms, central to collaboration;

    • We support sustainable ways of working.

    Our Board's strategic Diversity & Inclusion priorities recognise that Diversity in all its forms is central to collaboration and that inclusive leadership capability is the key underpinning of our Firm's future success. MinterEllison’s Diversity & Inclusion strategy covers the full spectrum of diversity in its broadest sense - Gender Equality, LGBTQ+ Inclusion, Disability Inclusion, Cultural Diversity and Reconciliation. We recognise the importance of intersectionality and consciously work to ensure that those of our people who identify with more than one element of the Diversity & Inclusion agenda are engaged and supported by the programs.

    MinterEllison does not tolerate sexual harassment, discrimination, or bullying and has several workplace policies in place as well as mandatory training for all staff in order to address and prevent this kind of behaviour. The Firm also has policies relating to Domestic & Family Violence, Gender Affirmation in the Workplace, Parental Leave, Emergency Childcare and Agile & Alternative Work Arrangements.

    MinterEllison is committed to the health and wellbeing of our people and the community, recognising that overall wellness is the cornerstone of sustained high performance. Our health and wellbeing program takes a holistic approach to wellness, by employing a wide range of initiatives designed to equip our people with health, safety and wellbeing strategies. Our people benefit from free gym membership, financial wellbeing information sessions, access to Employee Assistance Programs (also available to their families), and more.

    MinterEllison has a comprehensive Learning and Development program, with Firm-wide initiatives at each career milestone designed to build the capability required to support our people to develop to their full potential within an inclusive and collaborative workplace culture. Mental health and wellbeing content included in all our career milestone programs for Vacation Clerks, Graduates, Associates, Senior Associates, new Partners and Business Operations teams. We also provide mental health management training to our Talent team annually.

    We appreciate that it is a challenging time for students as they navigate the recruitment process in pursuit of graduate roles, particularly amidst the unusual circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic this year. We fully support and remain ongoing signatories to the LIV Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines, which provide consistency and transparency in the graduate legal recruitment process and afford students the opportunity to make an informed decision when choosing between priority offers.

  • Inclusion & Diversity

    Norton Rose Fulbright Australia is a firm that prides itself on being a diverse firm with an inclusive culture. We value difference and appreciate the variety of perspectives that this brings to our business. We know that diverse teams are more innovative and better at solving problems and this is an opportunity and a benefit for our clients. We aim to create an inclusive environment where everyone has a sense of belonging.

    Our diversity & inclusion strategy focuses on six core pillars:

    • Gender diversity: We aim to increase the number of senior women and to position Norton Rose Fulbright as the employer of choice for women in legal services in Australia. In 2020, our firm announced a new global aspirational 40:40:20 gender diversity target. In 2020, we were named yet again as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (WGEA). Our flagship program is the Career Strategies Program for senior women who come together as a cohort for 4 x full days of workshops about advancing their career in the legal industry in addition to one on one executive coaching. This program helps us achieve our gender diversity targets and creates an even playing field for all. We are also a signatory to the Law Council Equitable Briefing Policy.

    • Flexible & agile work: We encourage our people to take advantage of our formal flexible work arrangements including part time, remote working and job share arrangements as well as a combination of all. In addition we have adopted agile working for those wanting to incorporate ad-hoc and less formal flexible work practices into their day to day work schedule. The majority of our people now work remotely at least one to two days per week if their role allows for it.

    • People with family and caring responsibilities: We have a generous parental leave policy which is gender neutral and inclusive for all types of parents – same sex couples, parents through surrogacy and adoption, for kinship and foster care parent arrangements also. We have partnered with Parents at Work to offer a comprehensive pre-parental leave program and return to work coaching for all parents and carers. In addition we have launched our first Carers Network to support our people who care for family members with disability or long term illness.

    • LGBTIQ+ Inclusion: We have an established Pride Network and we are proud to be an official member of Pride in Diversity, Australia’s first and only not-for-profit workplace program designed specifically to assist employers with all aspects of LGBTIQ+ inclusion. In 2019 we were again named a silver employer in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI).

    • Cultural Diversity: In March 2017, we signed the Cultural Diversity Initiative. This important initiative, supported by several other large law firms, involves a commitment to researching and reporting on cultural diversity at different levels of the business. Our aim is to increase the cultural and linguistic diversity within the firm. We have a cultural diversity think-tank that meets regularly to inform our strategy and programs on cultural diversity.

    • Disability confidence: We aim to have a workforce that is disability confident to respond to the needs of our people. We have a Workplace adjustments policy to ensure we have the tools to quickly and appropriately respond to both requests from current and future employees who may need adjustments either at interview stage or as an employee with the firm.

    All employees participate in regular training on topics such as Unconscious Bias and Active Inclusion in addition to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Sexual Harassment, Bullying and Harassment and Workplace Health & Safety (WHS).

    Resilience, Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Norton Rose Fulbright strives to cultivate a workplace where mental health is understood without stigma, where employee wellbeing is paramount and where both Norton Rose Fulbright and our people respond appropriately and effectively to mental health problems and challenges.

    Our spectrum of interventions focuses on the following key areas:

    Awareness training: One of our guiding principles is to eliminate the stigma of mental illness through education and understanding. We deliver training and awareness sessions on a number of topics to increase mental health literacy and awareness. This includes a mandatory Resilience, Mental Health & Wellbeing the role of Partners and business leader’s masterclass to ensure strong leadership in this space.

    Mental Health First Aid initiative: Norton Rose Fulbright Australia has established in each office a number of trained Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) officers. To date, we have over 70 officers who can provide support and information to all employees about common mental health problems and appropriate professional support options. For our pioneering work in this space we were awarded the 2013 MHFA Workplace Award.

    • Thrive@NRFA: provides a suite of wellbeing services, including free coaching and confidential counselling for our people and their immediate family members. Through Thrive@NRFA we encourage individuals to take a proactive approach to their holistic wellbeing journey, enabling them to thrive in all areas of their personal and professional life.

    • Our Resilience Box® wellbeing App is also available for both our people and their immediate family members and provides the tools to strengthen resilience through online learning modules and health and wellbeing videos, podcasts and factsheets. The Resilience Box® provides our people with the tools to navigate challenges and improve mental health.

    We engage industry experts, The Centre for Corporate Health, for psychological recovery support. This provides our people, leaders and People & Development teams with a full range of psychological rehabilitation services, specialising in not only assisting individuals to return to work and good mental health, but also to support employees at work who are experiencing mental health issues

    We have established a Resilience, Mental Health & Wellbeing committee made up of Partners across the firm who champion our work in this space. Our Resilience, Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy and Intranet sites establish and communicate our commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of our people.

    We recognise and celebrate national and global events including R U OK? Day and World Mental Health Week. This includes participation in the Australian legal industry’s ‘Look Deeper’ campaign with R U OK? and creation of a ‘Stay well in the law’ video series in collaboration with the Black Dog Institute.

    We work with the Australian legal industry through Resilience@Law, a collaboration between major firms and The College of Law. Resilience@Law take a leadership role in raising awareness and understanding of the nature and impact of stress, depression and anxiety across the legal profession.

    We are proud signatory to the Workplace Wellbeing Guidelines (TJMF Psychological Wellbeing: Best Practice Guidelines for the Legal Profession) a comprehensive set of resources designed to protect and promote psychological health and safety in the legal workplace

  • Russell Kennedy is committed to providing a positive and healthy working environment where our people are treated with respect and feel safe, included, and encouraged to reach their full potential. Our goal is a workplace which is free of discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying, and we will not tolerate such behaviour.

    Russell Kennedy promotes a workplace culture that actively embraces and fosters diversity and inclusion. Our aim is to create an environment at Russell Kennedy that is characterised by equal access and respected participation of all groups and individuals. This is regardless of cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, age, religious differences, personal circumstances, abilities and disabilities, socioeconomics and sexual orientation.

    We want our people to feel included and confident in bringing their whole selves to work, to an environment where their talents are nurtured, empowering them to contribute to the success of the firm. Russell Kennedy is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and has a number of initiatives to ensure that we continue to actively encourage diversity in all its forms.

    Our key initiatives include:

    • Diversity and Inclusion Committee

    • Access and Inclusion – Access RK Seasonal Clerk Pathway

    • Russell Kennedy Women’s Network

    • Male Advocates for Gender Equality

    • Kaleidoscope Cultural Diversity Working Group – Refugee Background Pathway

    • LGBTIQ – SPARKLE Network

    • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Committee – Indigenous Identified Pathway

    At Russell Kennedy we aim to foster a culture of positive health and wellbeing across the firm through a number of initiatives and programs. We recognise that mental health plays a significant role in the legal industry and we are committed to supporting our employees and Principals. Our wellbeing and resilience framework is built on three key pillars of preventing, educating, empowering our people to ensure their health and wellbeing is a priority.

    In order to maintain a healthy and safe workplace free from discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying Russell Kennedy has a number of policies in place to protect our employees and Principals. Every person who walks into our firm is required to undertake a comprehensive induction that clearly outlines the expected behaviours and are required to complete training on equal opportunity.

    We recognise applying for clerkships and traineeships is a challenging process. We are a committed LIV signatory as we understand the platform provides fairness and consistency for all law students during the recruitment process.

  • Thomson Geer is committed to building a safe and supportive working environment for our employees including graduates and clerks. We have internal policies and initiatives that set out the objectives of the firm to ensure the health and wellbeing of all our staff.

    Thomson Geer are signatories to, and adhere to, the LIV Clerkship and Traineeship Guidelines.

    We have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which is a free, confidential professional assistance service that Thomson Geer provides to all employees and their immediate family members. The EAP provides access to short term, practical advice and assistance to resolve any issues that are of concern. Some examples of issues that may be raised with the EAP include managing and coping with change, personal trauma and grief, relationship difficulties and breakdowns, and anxiety and depression.

    We firmly believe in equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion, which is reflected in the firm's Diversity and Inclusion Statement. Diversity is inherent to the way we operate and is core to the success of any business operating in a competitive market.

    Diversity refers to respecting and harnessing differences. It is born out of a recognition that individuals are unique and characterised by a number of differing dimensions including but not limited to age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, physical ability, religious or cultural belief, and gender identity.

    Although historically a large focus of our diversity initiatives across the firm have related to the advancement of women, we have shifted our strategic approach from a narrow gender lens to a commitment to developing a more inclusive environment that:

    • respects and values individual differences;

    • proactively seeks out diverse perspectives when making decisions;

    • challenges biases (conscious and unconscious) that inhibit diversity and reduce levels of attention to diverse ideas.

    Our diversity initiatives include:

    • We practice diversity within recruitment, selection and promotion activities, ensuring a diverse range of qualified candidates are considered across all roles and levels. We also develop programs to assist in succession and promotion planning, to ensure a more qualified, diverse and broadly skilled pool of experienced staff for promotion purposes.

    • We have adopted the Law Council of Australia's Equitable Briefing Policy were we aim to brief women in at least 30 per cent of all matters and pay 30 per cent of the value of all brief fees.

    • We monitor, evaluate and report on our gender, diversity and inclusion position within the firm and against internal benchmarks and to market. For example, continuing to report on and make recommendations to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and addressing any issues identified by our gender pay gap analysis.

    • Our female Chair Loretta Reynolds and Chief Executive Partner Adrian Tembel have ensured at least 40% of internal promotions have been women in the last 6 years.

    • Publications and newsletters are co-authored by one female and one male. We have at least equal female and male representation in the presenters for our CPD and annual training programs.

    • The firm is a member of the Australian Network on Disability (AND) and one of our partners is a Board member. Every year we celebrate fundraising and awareness initiatives. As part of our membership of AND we participate in the AND Stepping Into program. Stepping Into is a national internship program that connects university students with disability to workplaces. We are one of only 111 organisations that have provided internships as a part of the program across all types of workplaces and industries. We had an intern placed in our Sydney office through the program in 2019. While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic meant that we did not host an intern in 2020, we were pleased to welcome a further intern in 2021.

    • Our firm has recently adopted its first Reconciliation Action Plan. We have recently joined CareerTrackers, an organisation supporting pre-professional Indigenous university students and linking them with employers to participate in paid, multi-year internships. We are looking forward to welcoming our first intern in 2022.

    • We have implemented a national group, moderated by Loretta Reynolds, of young partners who are juggling parental responsibilities with their work to discuss challenges, share experiences and lessons, and offer a support network.

    • The firm is a member of Women in Banking and Finance (WiBF). WiBF is a not-for-profit membership association aimed at increasing the representation of female leaders in the banking and finance sector.

    The firm has had a number of CPD sessions which have focused on diversity as a part of our commitment to building an inclusive and responsive firm culture, including:

    • 'Diversity and its Legal Relevance' by partner Andrew Cardell-Ree

    • 'Bringing our whole selves to work: Judaism as a case study of faith and ethnicity at work in Australia' by partner Jacquie Seemann

    • 'Creating change through influence as we #BalanceforBetter' (for International Women's Day) by partner Sanushka Seomangal

    • 'You said what? She wants to work how? He did that? – Anti-Discrimination 2020' by partner Jacquie Seemann

    • Pandemic Pitfalls - Facts, Vax and Traps (Bullying harassment and discrimination in a COVID-19 world)

    The firm also has social inclusion policies focusing on prioritising support for Indigenous Australians through our purchase of promotional products from an Indigenous owned organisation, pro bono work for organisations supporting Indigenous Australians, and a portion of our material sponsorship of the Hawthorn Football Club in the Australian Rules Football league being directed to programs in support of Indigenous communities.

    Thomson Geer is committed to providing its employees with a safe work environment that is free from inappropriate behaviour and we take all reasonable steps to minimise any form of workplace discrimination, harassment or bullying. We have internal policies including our Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy and our Diversity and Inclusion Statement which outline our obligations and requirements of staff. Discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment) and bullying are unlawful and workplace discrimination, harassment or bullying by or towards any employee, contractor, supplier, customer, client or visitor in any work related situation (including work related events) will not be tolerated by Thomson Geer under any circumstances.